autonomous gadget girl reviews LUNA-Pi Raspberry PI 2 remote control Robots WALLE-Pi zero Introducing LUNA-Pi and WALLE-Pi our own Raspberry Pi 2 projects. Hi!!! As you guys know if you've been following us on here we have a few Raspberry Pi 2 projects on the go. Checkout ZX3.14 plus more t...
BB-8 Sphero gadget girl reviews LUNA-Pi Raspberry PI 2 remote control Remote Control Madness- BB-8 Sphero, Worlds smallest Drones & LUNA-Pi reviews coming soon! With the dreaded Xmas getting ever closer I have a fun set of reviews coming up very soon for all you remote controlled-toy lovers. We both ...
breakout board gadget girl reviews ggr Iain Sinclair modding Project PI Raspberry PI 2 ZX Spectrum Zx Spectrum 3.14 Project Pi ZX 3.14 Part #4 - The Build Welcome to the NEW ZX 3.14 You don't need me to explain the name do you...? So I'm back again with Project Pi #4 and I have finalize...
bluetooth breakout board custom PC Pi project Raspberry PI 2 ZX Sinclair Spectrum Project PI #3 - Introducing the NEW PI Spectrum ZX 3.14 Introducing the Spectrum ZX 3.14 (ZX+Pi) This is how Clive Sinclair should have designed the ZX Spectrum of the future. After a bit of grove...